About Blootopia

The Destination For Personalized Remote Learning

The Destination For Personalized Remote Learning

Live Learning From People Who Have Real Life Experience

It all started with a broken down tractor and an endless amount of YouTube videos. It was then, Co-Founder Marc video called his Uncle from far away who helped him diagnose the problem. A familiar problem that we've all faced. Marc brought on Co-Founder Chris who gave Blootopia a business plan and a technological digital structure. With that in place, Marc and Chris, brought on Co-Founder Juan; a full-stack developer who can do wonders! 

Blootopia's mission is to bring a positive change to the EdTech and overall Education industries.

Our belief is that everybody is an expert in something and, with the proper platform, can share that expertise with those who want to learn.

Our purpose is to inspire everybody to believe that they have something incredible to offer the world.

Our vision is to be curators of talented people and ambassadors to them; building a platform that facilitates the self-managed exchange of knowledge.

At Blootopia, we believe that all learning should be personalized to the individual. We all learn in different ways, and strive to create a place that provides this unique environment.

Blootopia at a Glance

Blootopia at a Glance

How Does Blootopia Work?

Blootopia is a marketplace powered by people like you. We believe that everyone has mastered a passion or skill and has the ability to help someone else learn it. 

Further, we believe that the world is ready to learn in a new and personalized way. Mentees (or students) will have the ability to search our marketplace for any topic they want to learn more about. If, by chance, there isn't a Skill Session already listed, they can create a job request. If you are not interested in learning, but have something to share with others on the platform, sign up to become a mentor. Set your own rate and start earning money on your own time.

You can (and should) be both a Mentor and Mentee; sharing your passion with the world while learning from others. 

Learn Our Lingo



A Mentor is a teacher. On Blootopia, they are someone who believes they have mastered a skill, trade, or hobby. They have come here to share their knowledge with the world and monetize their passions.



A Mentee is a student on the platform. The Mentee pays the Mentor an agreed upon price to learn a new skill, trade, or hobby.

Skill Session

Skill Session

What you would call a class, we call a Skill Session. This where the Mentor and Mentee come together. Skill sessions are hosted directly on the Blootopia platform, so there is no need to ever leave the website.

Job Request

Job Request

There may be times when you can't seem to find exactly what you are looking to learn on our platform. We created a job request board for you to post your requests. Mentors will bid and you will choose the best fit.

Blootopia Affiliate

Blootopia Affiliate

Our affiliate program was designed to allow you to build passive income. It only goes one layer deep or to your first-connection only. You will make money every time your referred person completes a Skill Session.

Mentor Tiers

Mentor Tiers

We have designed a Mentor tiered system. Essentially, the more you successfully teach on Blootopia, the more money you will earn. It's that simple.

Create a Skill Session Today

Below are examples of Skill Sessions you could create today to begin Monetizing Your Passion!

Learn a New Instrument

It's hard to learn a new instrument from YouTube because it can't help you with what you're doing wrong. A Blootopia Mentor can guide you.

Have Help Changing Your Cars Oil

Working on your car shouldn't be scary. Have a Blootopia Mentor help you with your car and stop paying those high dealership charges!

1-on-1 Personalized Meditation Guidance

It's hard to learn to meditate from a recorded video or app. Find your meditation guide on Blootopia to receive personalized help today.