Browse Skill Session Requests

I would like to learn how to become more mindful
Average Bids Price: $0.00 • Total Bids: 0 • Posted on: Apr 04, 2023

I'm interested in techniques that focus on awareness of the present moment to be used therapeutically.

$0.00 Avg. Bid
I would like to learn how to write scripts for Youtube videos
Average Bids Price: $0.00 • Total Bids: 0 • Posted on: Mar 21, 2023

I would like to learn the basics of how to write scripts for Youtube videos. 

$0.00 Avg. Bid
Teach me ukelele
Average Bids Price: $0.00 • Total Bids: 0 • Posted on: Jan 31, 2023

I want to learn ukelele. I bought a really hip one in miami to play for my daughter. The only problem is I have no idea ...

$0.00 Avg. Bid