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Stuck on a crochet pattern?

0.00 reviews

Understanding patterns can lead to frustration if what you have completed isn't as expected. Or, the pattern doesn't make sense. Or your stitch count doesn't match the pattern. Let me help you understand patterns. We will look at your work and get you back on track.

starting from $10.00/hr

Marsha Kopan


Find Your (Heart) Song & Sing It: Finding or Creating Work You Love

0.00 reviews

Society has typically taught us to sacrifice our heart and soul for a paycheck. But how has that been working for us? For me personally, I ended up being laid off more times than I care to think about, and often taking jobs I didn't like. As a result, I created my own process for helping people find their (heart) song, and create an income around it. In effect, it's about integrating our heart and soul into our work, and creating an income around it. Are you up for exploring? You never know what kind of fun you might find!

starting from $75.00/hr

Sheyenne Kreamer


Learn 4 basic crochet stitches

0.00 reviews

In this session you will learn the single crochet, half-double crochet, double crochet and triple crochet. You will learn the importance of gauge reference from patterns. You will also make a sample of the single crochet. We will discuss a pattern for your first project.

starting from $25.00/hr

Marsha Kopan


Learn to Crochet for Beginner

4.91 reviews

The beginner session includes information about the basics: types of stitches, yarn choices and tools used. You will also learn how to do a starting chain which is the basis for all crocheted Items. A list of items needed for the class will be sent to you. You will need these supplies before we start.

starting from $25.00/hr

Marsha Kopan


Spiritual Support for your Business

0.00 reviews

I will give you a card reading session to reveal any obstacles to the ultimate success of you and your business. I use playing cards and oracle cards for this session. In the final 20 minutes of our session, I will give you a Karuna Reiki™ healing session to help overcome those obstacles. I'm a Diana Cooper Angel Teacher, a Karuna Reiki™ Master-Teacher, and a card reader. I'm also a 6-figure self-publishing mentor. AMA - Ask Me Anything about your success! I'm here to help. Chat soon!

starting from $100.00/hr

Leesa Ellis


Get high-ticket clients into your business with the Power of a Book™

0.00 reviews

I will mentor you on the 6 things you need to do to successfully self-publish a lead-generating impact-making nonfiction book. This book can be an effective marketing funnel to bring high-ticket clients into your courses, group programs, 1:1 coaching, and more. I have over 30 years of real-world experience in publishing and design. AMA - Ask Me Anything! I'm here to help. Chat soon!

starting from $75.00/hr

Leesa Ellis
