Skill Session Handbook

Blootopia will periodically review Skill Sessions published to the platform in addition to when requested by a Mentee or Mentor. We want to ensure you have the highest possible success and a meaningful learning experience. The recommendations listed below are to help you create the best possible Skill Session.

Please note that Blootopia has the right to deny, disapprove, modify, edit, or add to, any Skill Session submission, active or non-active. We recommend reviewing our Skill Session Content Policy for additional information. 

Your audience

When creating a listing, you need to think about who you are marketing to. Are you teaching, helping, guiding, and/or recommending?

To also help, we’ve created a Skill Session Content Policy. We recommend you read it over.


Your title should be descriptive to what you plan on offering. Examples could be:

  • Small Engine Repairs
  • Learn to plate your food like a chef!
  • Learn to Meditate like a Pro
  • How to reupholster anything
  • Learn Guitar. Guitar 101 Lessons


We would like your listing to include a photo. This is the first impression you will make on your customers. It does not need to be a professional photograph, but it should be relevant to the title of your Skill Session. We require you to use images that you own or that are licensed for commercial use. Many images online are copyrighted and are not available for reuse. For your convenience, we’ve included links to websites that offer free/royalty-free images. If Blootopia is notified that you are using an image not licensed to you, you will be subjec to any and all fees. Additionally, Blootopia will remove the photo in question. 


Each Mentor will be required to create a short video introducing themselves and what they are offering. We believe this video should be no longer than 30 seconds. The goal is to allow the Mentee to get to know and see your vibe. Ultimately, the Mentee needs to be comfortable paying you for your service… so be yourself!

Don’t know where to start; check out our video tutorial guide.

Skill Session Description

This is your area to tell the Mentee what you are offering. Whether you are teaching, helping, assisting, guiding, or recommending, this is your chance to sell your service. It is not necessary to explain your background as that is done in your profile page. Think of this section as expanding on your video introducing the service.

You may also want to include how much time you feel is necessary to complete your service. If you are teaching something, you may need 45 minutes. However, if you are helping solve a problem, you may only recommend 15 minutes.


Skill Sessions cannot be free and we enforce a minimum price of $1. Prices should be round numbers, for example, $15 or $30, not $14.97.


You may be teaching a Skill Session where physical materials are required; for example, learning how to quilt. You should list what you believe is necessary to successfully complete the session.

Scheduling Skill Sessions

This is where you will list your availability to meet. Perhaps, mornings are better for you than evenings or weekends better than weekdays. It is also important to list what time zone you are in.

Changing an Existing Listing

When you create a new listing, it will automatically go live. At any point in time, you may go back to the listing and modify accordingly. 

How the Skill Sessions Work

Skill Sessions are built around helping and/or assisting the Mentee in solving a problem, teaching a new skill, or just learning something new. As the Mentor, you get the joy of teaching and passing down knowledge that you’ve perfected over your lifetime. Naturally, we expect all Mentors to abide by our Skill Session Content Policy. In addition to that, here are three areas that you can focus on.

  • Before joining the Skill Session, be sure to understand the problem the Mentee is facing. Are they trying to learn something new? Is something broken that needs to be repaire? As the Mentor, you should be prepared with all resources to help. It’s okay to need to reference a search engine; just be prepared ahead of time.
  • Connect with the Mentee. While, yes, you are “on the clock” when the session starts, spending a few minutes getting to know the Mentee can help increase your rating and review.
  • At the end of the Skill Session, ask the Mentee if you have sufficiently helped them. You want to be sure to earn the best rating and review.

While In The Class

We know you are not professional camera people with professional equipment...and that’s okay! There are some basics that will help you:

  • Lighting is always your friend. There is *almost* never enough lighting. Be sure that you do not have lighting behind you. Instead, you want lighting behind your camera; you want to illuminate you!
  • Are you joining from your phone?
    • Try to keep your phone still! Phone mounts work well here as to simply resting your phone in a stationary position.
    • The best connection is a Wi-Fi connection.
    • Remember which camera you are using; front or back.
    • If you need to show something, do not turn your phone around, flip to your rear camera.
  • Watch your language. We will not tolerate any form of abusive or belittling language. However, you also want to be sure you are speaking clearly; no uh’s and um’s. This will make you look unprofessional. Remember, you are the expert, you know what you’re doing! You got this!

Building your Brand

As you teach more Skill Sessions, your ratings and reviews will increase. This is the foundation to building your brand and becoming a trusted resource on the Blootopia platform. Remember, additionally, every video, chat, and interaction you have speaks to your character and credibility.