User Expectations

Blootopia is a marketplace for sharing knowledge in a live and personable, but fully virtual, environment. We allow technology to aid in our learning, fuel our passions, and continually learn something new. We believe that everyone has something they can teach and is an expert in their own right. We want to empower you to share your love, passion, and knowledge with the world.

Technology, while a blessing, brings a unique set of challenges, that no matter how many safeguards, can be difficult to overcome. Blootopia believes that every user has the right to fully express themselves without the fear of any hatred or bigotry of any form. We will enforce our Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Blootopia User Expectations fully. This includes any additional policies or handbooks. 

Please see our code of conduct below:

Mentor Code of Conduct

You agree to:

  • Offer classes only where you have an appropriate background or expertise.

  • Act as professional as possible. 

  • Professionally communicate with learners in messages and in-Skill Session.

  • Treat all members of the Blootopia community respectfully, including our staff.

  • Adhere to our Skill Session Content policy.


Mentee Code of Conduct

You agree to:

  • Join Skill Sessions on time and be ready to learn.

  • Contribute to the Skill Session environment in a way that is safe and welcoming.

  • Keep your personal information private and don't ask others to share personal information.


Blootopia Code of Conduct

We agree to:

  • Welcome members from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations and treat everyone equally.

  • Listen to your feedback and change where possible.

  • Create and enforce policies to create a high quality, trusted, and safe platform for learning.