Skill Session Content Policy

Blootopia prides itself on the fact that we allow anyone to teach on any topic they have expertise with. We love the fact that our community is full of Skill Sessions that represent the true diversity of life and we welcome you to submit your class proposal to us. While we are open to almost any topic, there are a few that will not be allowed. Furthermore, we do have expectations for our Skill Sessions.

Types of classes that we do not support on Blootopia:

  • Pornography
  • Gambling
  • Legal, tax, and/or government representation
  • Medical training
  • Medical services
  • Drugs and/or Alcohol
  • Extreme dieting
  • Self-mutilation
  • Individual therapy; e.g. mental health
  • Weapons training, creation, or utilization
  • Fortune telling
  • Anything surrounding discrimination, marginalization, or hatred

Further expectations:

  • No Skill Session listing will contain any abusive, hateful, derogatory, or negative in nature language. All pictures and videos that are uploaded to the Blootopia platform will be reviewed for accuracy and appropriateness. We reserve the right to modify, add, or delete any content, video, or photograph at any point in time on any listing.
  • Skill Sessions should be based on your own experience, facts, and evidence.
  • Skill Sessions should use an unbiased perspective, to the extent possible.
  • Do not use Skill Sessions as a soapbox for personal viewpoints.
  • Text, images, and content should not be sensationalized. Skill Sessions should not be designed to provoke an emotional response at the expense of accuracy.

If you have any questions about a topic you would like to teach, please reach out to and we would be happy to help.