Creating on YouTube Means Making No Money
The Side Hustle

Creating on YouTube Means Making No Money

Oct 15 2022


YouTube has a purpose in this world, just not for creating content. Yet, we have allowed it to become this catch-all for all video creation. YouTube has convinced us that prerecorded videos are the only way to consume content. They have also given us the false assumption that video creation can be lucrative. A recent study found that Kids would rather be a YouTube star than an astronaut. AH! How infuriating!

Let’s take this further and dig into some more studies.

A study published by Mathias Bärtl, a professor at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences in Offenburg, link here to read, says 96.5 percent of all of those trying to become YouTubers won’t make enough money off of advertising to crack the U.S. poverty line.

Breaking into the top 3 percent of most-viewed channels could bring in advertising revenue of about $16,800 a year, Bärtl said. That’s a bit more than the U.S. federal poverty line of $12,140 for a single person. (The guideline for a two-person household is $16,460.) The top 3 percent of video creators of all time in Bärtl’s sample attracted more than 1.4 million views per month.

Becoming a YouTuber is the new athlete or celebrity dreams from 30 years ago. Each generation will complain about the last and so the story goes.

Here’s the thing, we have pushed this idea that commoditizing things is the best idea; think “make money of your pre-recorded videos.” Blootopia seeks to change that.

Our belief is that everybody is an expert in something, and with the proper platform, can share their expertise with those who want it. Our purpose is to inspire everybody to believe that they have something incredible to offer the world. Our vision is to be curators of talented people and ambassadors to them; building a platform that facilitates the self-managed exchange of knowledge.

If kids today want to be stars, let’s be good examples and show them that spreading knowledge is cool. Spreading knowledge can be lucrative. Pursuing your passions and not letting go can be the best thing ever. We should be teaching out children that sticking with your passions is a great thing.

We are here to help you at Blootopia. Reach out to us. Let’s bring your passions to light and to the world!

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