Mike D'Angola

last seen more than a year ago

Mike D'Angola Founder

0.00 reviews

Creativity when you AIN'T GOT NONE

  • This Mentor Currently Offers 1 Skill Session
  • Teaches
  • Business in Marketing specializing in Graphic Design, and Communication
    Business in Entrepreneurship specializing in Marketing
    Business in Management specializing in Leadership
    Consulting in Strategy
    Consulting in Marketing
    Photography in Commercial/Professional
    Hobbies/Art in Printmaking
    Hobbies/Art in T-Shirt Making
    Mindfulness in Mission/Purpose
    Video Editing in Theory
    Parenting in Young

  • Speaks:
    • English at a fluent level

About me

Hi all. My name is Mike and I have 20+ years of experience in: graphic design, adobe, photography, print production, project management and business management. Very few entrepreneurs are artists and very few artists are entrepreneurs. I am that unique combination. I'm your entire art department - rolled into one. Creativity and problem solving is my game. I ask the thought-provoking questions decision-makers need to hear and help refine the thought process. My wheels are ALWAYS turning.


A lifelong artist, I am and have always been the go-to person within my network for anything creative. I started practicing graphic design in the late 1990's when burning CD's was a new and cool thing, and friends wanted their very own customized CD covers. My formal education was at Fairleigh Dickinson University and my concentration was design. Since then I've designed numerous logos and marketing pieces, managed design departments, coordinated photo shoots, had designs published, functioned as production manager, sweat and slaved over production machines, printed wide format graphics, installed wide format graphics, and started my own branding business. What I know, I know well and what I don't I'm honest about and will help lead you to a resource that can help.


Graphic Design for Web vs Print
  • 2 years ago
0.00 reviews

In this session, I'm going to go over the basics of graphic design for screen (web) vs print. There are big differences on how you approach your project based on how it will be seen by your audience, whether an online ad or giant signage. Things to discuss: Color Modes File Set-Up for Web vs Print Resolution Content Transfer of Files File Types Physical Production of Graphics